Fixes issue #2. Simplifies code. Improves chunk handling. Changes default to x265 for greater efficiency.

This commit is contained in:
Graeme Humphries 2015-08-14 10:00:59 -07:00
parent 6729e95ea1
commit 1fdbba0fed
2 changed files with 37 additions and 126 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
This is a small script to do distributed, high quality video encoding.
The script:
The script:
- breaks input video into chunks.
- distributes chunks to different servers via SSH.
@ -21,27 +21,25 @@ to encode with:
dve -l host1,host2,host3 media/test.mp4
If you're using a statically linked ffmpeg binary (recommended), then you'll also
want to specify the path to that binary:
dve -e ~/bin/ffmpeg -l host1,host2,host3 media/test.mp4
After the encoding is completed and the chunks stitched back together, you
should end up with an output file named "test.mp4_new.mkv" in your current working
directory. You can adjust output naming, but note that the output container format
will currently always be mkv:
should end up with an output file named something like "original_new.mkv" in
your current working directory. You can adjust output naming, but note that the
output container format will currently always be mkv:
dve -s .encoded.mkv -e ~/bin/ffmpeg -l host1,host2,host3 media/test.mp4
dve automatically copies the local ffmpeg to remote systems for encoding, but this
won't work if you want to mix architectures / OSes. If you ensure
there's a valid ffmpeg install in the $PATH on each remote system, you can
disable copying over the local encoder:
Encoding currently breaks input videos into 1m (60s) chunks. This should give
reasonable parallelism across a reasonable number of hosts. If you have
many hosts you may need to adjust this down using -t. If you have a small number
of hosts and a long video, you may wish to bump this up to encode larger chunks
and get marginally better compression. Values larger than 300 (15m) are
probably a waste of time.
dve -d -l win1,win2,lin1,lin2 media/test.mp4
This allows you to mix Windows/cygwin and Linux hosts on the same
encoding job.
Since the ffmpeg situation in Ubuntu has been resolved, dve no longer
tries to copy over your local copy of ffmpeg for encoding, which greatly
simplifies the script logic. This means you need to have an ffmpeg binary on
every system used for encoding, and if you specify a custom path, that custom
path should be the same on every system.
## Benchmarks
@ -53,7 +51,7 @@ clip, 3:47 in length.
$ time nice -n 10 ./ffmpeg -y -v error -stats -i test.mp4 -c:v libx264 -crf 20.0 -preset medium -c:a libvorbis -aq 5 -f matroska test.mkv
frame= 5459 fps=7.4 q=-1.0 Lsize= 530036kB time=00:03:47.43 bitrate=19091.2kbits/s
frame= 5459 fps=7.4 q=-1.0 Lsize= 530036kB time=00:03:47.43 bitrate=19091.2kbits/s
real 12m17.177s
user 182m57.340s
sys 0m36.240s
@ -115,30 +113,12 @@ setup key based authentication to all your remote hosts.
The following need to be installed on the host running this script:
- [ffmpeg](
- [ffmpeg](
- [GNU parallel](
It will automatically copy the encoder binary to the target systems and run
it there, but you will need to make sure any required shared libraries are installed
on the target system.
It's recommended that you use the latest ffmpeg statically linked binaries (above),
which will also improve your chances of transcoding new / strange video formats.
### bash
If you're using the statically linked ffmpeg binaries in ~/bin,
you'll need to ensure bash adds ~/bin to your $PATH for non-interactive shells.
Including the following at the top of your ~/.bashrc should be sufficient:
# User dependent .bashrc file
# Set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "${HOME}/bin" ] ; then
It's recommended that you use recent (>= 2.5.x) versions of ffmpeg to ensure
they have all the required functionality for splitting and combining the
video chunks.
### Windows
@ -161,29 +141,10 @@ You'll also need to do the following if you want to use the host to render with:
## ⚠ Known Issues
### chunk sizing
Sometimes the last chunk to be split out will be too small to be properly encoded,
and this will cause the whole encode to fail when the pieces are joined at the end
of the job.
Currently the only solution is to adjust the -m and -c options so that the final
chunk of the file is reasonably large.
### ffmpeg / libav
Ubuntu ships the libav fork version ffmpeg wrapper instead of the actual ffmpeg
release. This version is missing many necessary features, including the
[concat demuxer](
used to stitch encoded chunks back together.
For now, you should download and use the statically linked ffmpeg
binaries listed above.
For more background about this fork, see:
[The FFmpeg/Libav situation](
See the [GitHub issues page](
## License
dve is copyright 2013 by Graeme Humphries <>.
dve is copyright 2013-2015 by Graeme Nordgren <>.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

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@ -2,14 +2,12 @@
OPTS="-c:v libx264 -crf 20.0 -preset veryslow -c:a libvorbis -aq 5 -c:s copy"
OPTS="-c:v libx265 -preset fast -x265-params crf=24 -c:a libvorbis -aq 5 -c:s copy"
function usage() {
cat << EOF
@ -20,11 +18,9 @@ multiple hosts.
-h this help message.
-c number of chunks to split input file into. (default=${CHUNKS})
-d do not copy encoder, assume it already exists remotely.
-e ffmpeg binary to use. (default=${ENC})
-l comma separated list of hosts to use to encode. (default=${SERVERS})
-m min length of individual video chunks, in seconds. (default=${MINLEN})
-t rough length of individual video chunks, in seconds. (default=${MINLEN})
-o encoding options. (default=${OPTS})
-s output file suffix. (default=${SUFFIX})
-v verbose job output. (default=false)
@ -33,7 +29,7 @@ EOF
# check all required helper utils
function checkpaths() {
for cmd in ffprobe parallel grep sed wc; do
for cmd in parallel; do
if ! CMD=`which $cmd`; then
echo "$cmd not found."
exit 1
@ -52,50 +48,22 @@ function checkpaths() {
# returns total video length and optimal chunk length in seconds
function chunksize() {
if ! DURATION=`ffprobe "$1" 2>&1 | grep Duration | grep -P -o "[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+\.[0-9]+" | sed -r 's/\..+//g'`; then
echo "Couldn't find duration of \"$1\" using avprobe."
exit 1
declare -a DUR
DUR=(`echo ${DURATION} | sed -r 's/:/ /g'`)
# strip leading zeros if present because bash can't handle it.
H=`echo ${DUR[0]} | sed 's/^0*//'`
M=`echo ${DUR[1]} | sed 's/^0*//'`
S=`echo ${DUR[2]} | sed 's/^0*//'`
# add extra second to length to account for subsecond variances
if [ $LEN -lt $MINLEN ]; then
echo ${SECONDS} ${LEN}
while getopts “hc:de:l:m:o:s:v” OPTION; do
while getopts “he:l:t:o:s:v” OPTION; do
case $OPTION in
exit 1
@ -124,47 +92,29 @@ if ! mkdir -p ${OUTDIR}; then
exit 1
declare -a TIMING
TIMING=( `chunksize "$1"` )
rm "${CHUNKFILE}" 2> /dev/null
while [ $START -lt ${TIMING[0]} ]; do
printf "%06d\n" ${START} >> "${CHUNKFILE}"
NUMSERVERS=`echo ${SERVERS} | sed -r 's/,/ /g' | wc -w`
echo "Creating chunks to encode"
cat "$CHUNKFILE" | parallel --gnu --eta -j 1 $ENC -y -v ${VERBOSE} -fflags +genpts -i \"$1\" -ss {} -t ${TIMING[1]} -c:v copy -c:a copy -c:s copy -f matroska ${OUTDIR}/chunk-{}.orig
$ENCPATH -i "$1" -map 0 -codec copy -f segment -segment_time $LEN -segment_format matroska -v ${VERBOSE} "${OUTDIR}/chunk-%03d.orig"
cd "$OUTDIR"
echo "Running parallel encoding jobs"
PAR_OPTS="--gnu -j 1 -S ${SERVERS} --eta --retries 2 --nice 10"
PAR_OPTS="$PAR_OPTS --workdir ... --trc {.}.enc"
if $COPYENC; then
PAR_OPTS="$PAR_OPTS --basefile ffmpeg"
#PAR_OPTS="$PAR_OPTS --workdir ... --trc {.}.enc"
PAR_OPTS="$PAR_OPTS --workdir ... --transfer --return {.}.enc"
ENC_OPTS="-y -v ${VERBOSE} -i {} ${OPTS} -f matroska {.}.enc"
if $COPYENC; then
cp "${ENCPATH}" ./ffmpeg
parallel ${PAR_OPTS} ${REMOTEENC} ${ENC_OPTS} ::: chunk-*.orig
echo "parallel ${PAR_OPTS} ${ENCPATH} ${ENC_OPTS} ::: chunk-*.orig"
parallel ${PAR_OPTS} ${ENCPATH} ${ENC_OPTS} ::: chunk-*.orig
echo "Combining chunks into final video file"
echo "ffconcat version 1.0" > concat.txt
for f in `ls chunk-*.enc | sort`; do
echo "file $f" >> concat.txt
${ENC} -y -v ${VERBOSE} -f concat -i concat.txt -f matroska -c copy "${CWD}"/"`basename \"$1\"`"${SUFFIX}
BASE=`basename "$1"`
${ENCPATH} -y -v ${VERBOSE} -f concat -i concat.txt -f matroska -map 0 -c copy "${OUTFILE}"
echo "Cleaning up temporary working files"
rm -f "${OUTDIR}"/*