(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global = global || self, global.GLightbox = factory()); }(this, (function () { 'use strict'; function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function (obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; } function _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); } function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr); } function _iterableToArray(iter) { if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && Symbol.iterator in Object(iter)) return Array.from(iter); } function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); } function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i]; return arr2; } function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } var uid = Date.now(); function extend() { var extended = {}; var deep = true; var i = 0; var length = arguments.length; if (Object.prototype.toString.call(arguments[0]) === '[object Boolean]') { deep = arguments[0]; i++; } var merge = function merge(obj) { for (var prop in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop)) { if (deep && Object.prototype.toString.call(obj[prop]) === '[object Object]') { extended[prop] = extend(true, extended[prop], obj[prop]); } else { extended[prop] = obj[prop]; } } } }; for (; i < length; i++) { var obj = arguments[i]; merge(obj); } return extended; } function each(collection, callback) { if (isNode(collection) || collection === window || collection === document) { collection = [collection]; } if (!isArrayLike(collection) && !isObject(collection)) { collection = [collection]; } if (size(collection) == 0) { return; } if (isArrayLike(collection) && !isObject(collection)) { var l = collection.length, i = 0; for (; i < l; i++) { if (callback.call(collection[i], collection[i], i, collection) === false) { break; } } } else if (isObject(collection)) { for (var key in collection) { if (has(collection, key)) { if (callback.call(collection[key], collection[key], key, collection) === false) { break; } } } } } function getNodeEvents(node) { var name = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null; var fn = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : null; var cache = node[uid] = node[uid] || []; var data = { all: cache, evt: null, found: null }; if (name && fn && size(cache) > 0) { each(cache, function (cl, i) { if (cl.eventName == name && cl.fn.toString() == fn.toString()) { data.found = true; data.evt = i; return false; } }); } return data; } function addEvent(eventName) { var _ref = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}, onElement = _ref.onElement, withCallback = _ref.withCallback, _ref$avoidDuplicate = _ref.avoidDuplicate, avoidDuplicate = _ref$avoidDuplicate === void 0 ? true : _ref$avoidDuplicate, _ref$once = _ref.once, once = _ref$once === void 0 ? false : _ref$once, _ref$useCapture = _ref.useCapture, useCapture = _ref$useCapture === void 0 ? false : _ref$useCapture; var thisArg = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined; var element = onElement || []; if (isString(element)) { element = document.querySelectorAll(element); } function handler(event) { if (isFunction(withCallback)) { withCallback.call(thisArg, event, this); } if (once) { handler.destroy(); } } handler.destroy = function () { each(element, function (el) { var events = getNodeEvents(el, eventName, handler); if (events.found) { events.all.splice(events.evt, 1); } if (el.removeEventListener) { el.removeEventListener(eventName, handler, useCapture); } }); }; each(element, function (el) { var events = getNodeEvents(el, eventName, handler); if (el.addEventListener && avoidDuplicate && !events.found || !avoidDuplicate) { el.addEventListener(eventName, handler, useCapture); events.all.push({ eventName: eventName, fn: handler }); } }); return handler; } function addClass(node, name) { each(name.split(' '), function (cl) { return node.classList.add(cl); }); } function removeClass(node, name) { each(name.split(' '), function (cl) { return node.classList.remove(cl); }); } function hasClass(node, name) { return node.classList.contains(name); } function closest(elem, selector) { while (elem !== document.body) { elem = elem.parentElement; if (!elem) { return false; } var matches = typeof elem.matches == 'function' ? elem.matches(selector) : elem.msMatchesSelector(selector); if (matches) { return elem; } } } function animateElement(element) { var animation = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ''; var callback = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; if (!element || animation === '') { return false; } if (animation == 'none') { if (isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } return false; } var animationEnd = whichAnimationEvent(); var animationNames = animation.split(' '); each(animationNames, function (name) { addClass(element, 'g' + name); }); addEvent(animationEnd, { onElement: element, avoidDuplicate: false, once: true, withCallback: function withCallback(event, target) { each(animationNames, function (name) { removeClass(target, 'g' + name); }); if (isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } } }); } function cssTransform(node) { var translate = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : ''; if (translate == '') { node.style.webkitTransform = ''; node.style.MozTransform = ''; node.style.msTransform = ''; node.style.OTransform = ''; node.style.transform = ''; return false; } node.style.webkitTransform = translate; node.style.MozTransform = translate; node.style.msTransform = translate; node.style.OTransform = translate; node.style.transform = translate; } function show(element) { element.style.display = 'block'; } function hide(element) { element.style.display = 'none'; } function createHTML(htmlStr) { var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(), temp = document.createElement('div'); temp.innerHTML = htmlStr; while (temp.firstChild) { frag.appendChild(temp.firstChild); } return frag; } function windowSize() { return { width: window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth, height: window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight }; } function whichAnimationEvent() { var t, el = document.createElement('fakeelement'); var animations = { animation: 'animationend', OAnimation: 'oAnimationEnd', MozAnimation: 'animationend', WebkitAnimation: 'webkitAnimationEnd' }; for (t in animations) { if (el.style[t] !== undefined) { return animations[t]; } } } function whichTransitionEvent() { var t, el = document.createElement('fakeelement'); var transitions = { transition: 'transitionend', OTransition: 'oTransitionEnd', MozTransition: 'transitionend', WebkitTransition: 'webkitTransitionEnd' }; for (t in transitions) { if (el.style[t] !== undefined) { return transitions[t]; } } } function createIframe(config) { var url = config.url, allow = config.allow, callback = config.callback, appendTo = config.appendTo; var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.className = 'vimeo-video gvideo'; iframe.src = url; iframe.style.width = '100%'; iframe.style.height = '100%'; if (allow) { iframe.setAttribute('allow', allow); } iframe.onload = function () { addClass(iframe, 'node-ready'); if (isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } }; if (appendTo) { appendTo.appendChild(iframe); } return iframe; } function waitUntil(check, onComplete, delay, timeout) { if (check()) { onComplete(); return; } if (!delay) { delay = 100; } var timeoutPointer; var intervalPointer = setInterval(function () { if (!check()) { return; } clearInterval(intervalPointer); if (timeoutPointer) { clearTimeout(timeoutPointer); } onComplete(); }, delay); if (timeout) { timeoutPointer = setTimeout(function () { clearInterval(intervalPointer); }, timeout); } } function injectAssets(url, waitFor, callback) { if (isNil(url)) { console.error('Inject assets error'); return; } if (isFunction(waitFor)) { callback = waitFor; waitFor = false; } if (isString(waitFor) && waitFor in window) { if (isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } return; } var found; if (url.indexOf('.css') !== -1) { found = document.querySelectorAll('link[href="' + url + '"]'); if (found && found.length > 0) { if (isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } return; } var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var headStyles = head.querySelectorAll('link[rel="stylesheet"]'); var link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type = 'text/css'; link.href = url; link.media = 'all'; if (headStyles) { head.insertBefore(link, headStyles[0]); } else { head.appendChild(link); } if (isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } return; } found = document.querySelectorAll('script[src="' + url + '"]'); if (found && found.length > 0) { if (isFunction(callback)) { if (isString(waitFor)) { waitUntil(function () { return typeof window[waitFor] !== 'undefined'; }, function () { callback(); }); return false; } callback(); } return; } var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = url; script.onload = function () { if (isFunction(callback)) { if (isString(waitFor)) { waitUntil(function () { return typeof window[waitFor] !== 'undefined'; }, function () { callback(); }); return false; } callback(); } }; document.body.appendChild(script); return; } function isMobile() { return 'navigator' in window && window.navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad)|(iPhone)|(iPod)|(Android)|(PlayBook)|(BB10)|(BlackBerry)|(Opera Mini)|(IEMobile)|(webOS)|(MeeGo)/i); } function isTouch() { return isMobile() !== null || document.createTouch !== undefined || 'ontouchstart' in window || 'onmsgesturechange' in window || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints; } function isFunction(f) { return typeof f === 'function'; } function isString(s) { return typeof s === 'string'; } function isNode(el) { return !!(el && el.nodeType && el.nodeType == 1); } function isArray(ar) { return Array.isArray(ar); } function isArrayLike(ar) { return ar && ar.length && isFinite(ar.length); } function isObject(o) { var type = _typeof(o); return type === 'object' && o != null && !isFunction(o) && !isArray(o); } function isNil(o) { return o == null; } function has(obj, key) { return obj !== null && hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key); } function size(o) { if (isObject(o)) { if (o.keys) { return o.keys().length; } var l = 0; for (var k in o) { if (has(o, k)) { l++; } } return l; } else { return o.length; } } function isNumber(n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); } function keyboardNavigation(instance) { if (instance.events.hasOwnProperty('keyboard')) { return false; } instance.events['keyboard'] = addEvent('keydown', { onElement: window, withCallback: function withCallback(event, target) { event = event || window.event; var key = event.keyCode; if (key == 9) { var activeElement = document.activeElement && document.activeElement.nodeName ? document.activeElement.nodeName.toLocaleLowerCase() : false; if (activeElement == 'input' || activeElement == 'textarea' || activeElement == 'button') { return; } event.preventDefault(); var btns = document.querySelectorAll('.gbtn'); if (!btns || btns.length <= 0) { return; } var focused = _toConsumableArray(btns).filter(function (item) { return hasClass(item, 'focused'); }); if (!focused.length) { var first = document.querySelector('.gbtn[tabindex="0"]'); if (first) { first.focus(); addClass(first, 'focused'); } return; } btns.forEach(function (element) { return removeClass(element, 'focused'); }); var tabindex = focused[0].getAttribute('tabindex'); tabindex = tabindex ? tabindex : '0'; var newIndex = parseInt(tabindex) + 1; if (newIndex > btns.length - 1) { newIndex = '0'; } var next = document.querySelector(".gbtn[tabindex=\"".concat(newIndex, "\"]")); if (next) { next.focus(); addClass(next, 'focused'); } } if (key == 39) { instance.nextSlide(); } if (key == 37) { instance.prevSlide(); } if (key == 27) { instance.close(); } } }); } function getLen(v) { return Math.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y); } function dot(v1, v2) { return v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y; } function getAngle(v1, v2) { var mr = getLen(v1) * getLen(v2); if (mr === 0) { return 0; } var r = dot(v1, v2) / mr; if (r > 1) { r = 1; } return Math.acos(r); } function cross(v1, v2) { return v1.x * v2.y - v2.x * v1.y; } function getRotateAngle(v1, v2) { var angle = getAngle(v1, v2); if (cross(v1, v2) > 0) { angle *= -1; } return angle * 180 / Math.PI; } var EventsHandlerAdmin = function () { function EventsHandlerAdmin(el) { _classCallCheck(this, EventsHandlerAdmin); this.handlers = []; this.el = el; } _createClass(EventsHandlerAdmin, [{ key: "add", value: function add(handler) { this.handlers.push(handler); } }, { key: "del", value: function del(handler) { if (!handler) { this.handlers = []; } for (var i = this.handlers.length; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.handlers[i] === handler) { this.handlers.splice(i, 1); } } } }, { key: "dispatch", value: function dispatch() { for (var i = 0, len = this.handlers.length; i < len; i++) { var handler = this.handlers[i]; if (typeof handler === 'function') { handler.apply(this.el, arguments); } } } }]); return EventsHandlerAdmin; }(); function wrapFunc(el, handler) { var EventshandlerAdmin = new EventsHandlerAdmin(el); EventshandlerAdmin.add(handler); return EventshandlerAdmin; } var TouchEvents = function () { function TouchEvents(el, option) { _classCallCheck(this, TouchEvents); this.element = typeof el == 'string' ? document.querySelector(el) : el; this.start = this.start.bind(this); this.move = this.move.bind(this); this.end = this.end.bind(this); this.cancel = this.cancel.bind(this); this.element.addEventListener('touchstart', this.start, false); this.element.addEventListener('touchmove', this.move, false); this.element.addEventListener('touchend', this.end, false); this.element.addEventListener('touchcancel', this.cancel, false); this.preV = { x: null, y: null }; this.pinchStartLen = null; this.zoom = 1; this.isDoubleTap = false; var noop = function noop() {}; this.rotate = wrapFunc(this.element, option.rotate || noop); this.touchStart = wrapFunc(this.element, option.touchStart || noop); this.multipointStart = wrapFunc(this.element, option.multipointStart || noop); this.multipointEnd = wrapFunc(this.element, option.multipointEnd || noop); this.pinch = wrapFunc(this.element, option.pinch || noop); this.swipe = wrapFunc(this.element, option.swipe || noop); this.tap = wrapFunc(this.element, option.tap || noop); this.doubleTap = wrapFunc(this.element, option.doubleTap || noop); this.longTap = wrapFunc(this.element, option.longTap || noop); this.singleTap = wrapFunc(this.element, option.singleTap || noop); this.pressMove = wrapFunc(this.element, option.pressMove || noop); this.twoFingerPressMove = wrapFunc(this.element, option.twoFingerPressMove || noop); this.touchMove = wrapFunc(this.element, option.touchMove || noop); this.touchEnd = wrapFunc(this.element, option.touchEnd || noop); this.touchCancel = wrapFunc(this.element, option.touchCancel || noop); this._cancelAllHandler = this.cancelAll.bind(this); window.addEventListener('scroll', this._cancelAllHandler); this.delta = null; this.last = null; this.now = null; this.tapTimeout = null; this.singleTapTimeout = null; this.longTapTimeout = null; this.swipeTimeout = null; this.x1 = this.x2 = this.y1 = this.y2 = null; this.preTapPosition = { x: null, y: null }; } _createClass(TouchEvents, [{ key: "start", value: function start(evt) { if (!evt.touches) { return; } this.now = Date.now(); this.x1 = evt.touches[0].pageX; this.y1 = evt.touches[0].pageY; this.delta = this.now - (this.last || this.now); this.touchStart.dispatch(evt, this.element); if (this.preTapPosition.x !== null) { this.isDoubleTap = this.delta > 0 && this.delta <= 250 && Math.abs(this.preTapPosition.x - this.x1) < 30 && Math.abs(this.preTapPosition.y - this.y1) < 30; if (this.isDoubleTap) { clearTimeout(this.singleTapTimeout); } } this.preTapPosition.x = this.x1; this.preTapPosition.y = this.y1; this.last = this.now; var preV = this.preV, len = evt.touches.length; if (len > 1) { this._cancelLongTap(); this._cancelSingleTap(); var v = { x: evt.touches[1].pageX - this.x1, y: evt.touches[1].pageY - this.y1 }; preV.x = v.x; preV.y = v.y; this.pinchStartLen = getLen(preV); this.multipointStart.dispatch(evt, this.element); } this._preventTap = false; this.longTapTimeout = setTimeout(function () { this.longTap.dispatch(evt, this.element); this._preventTap = true; }.bind(this), 750); } }, { key: "move", value: function move(evt) { if (!evt.touches) { return; } var preV = this.preV, len = evt.touches.length, currentX = evt.touches[0].pageX, currentY = evt.touches[0].pageY; this.isDoubleTap = false; if (len > 1) { var sCurrentX = evt.touches[1].pageX, sCurrentY = evt.touches[1].pageY; var v = { x: evt.touches[1].pageX - currentX, y: evt.touches[1].pageY - currentY }; if (preV.x !== null) { if (this.pinchStartLen > 0) { evt.zoom = getLen(v) / this.pinchStartLen; this.pinch.dispatch(evt, this.element); } evt.angle = getRotateAngle(v, preV); this.rotate.dispatch(evt, this.element); } preV.x = v.x; preV.y = v.y; if (this.x2 !== null && this.sx2 !== null) { evt.deltaX = (currentX - this.x2 + sCurrentX - this.sx2) / 2; evt.deltaY = (currentY - this.y2 + sCurrentY - this.sy2) / 2; } else { evt.deltaX = 0; evt.deltaY = 0; } this.twoFingerPressMove.dispatch(evt, this.element); this.sx2 = sCurrentX; this.sy2 = sCurrentY; } else { if (this.x2 !== null) { evt.deltaX = currentX - this.x2; evt.deltaY = currentY - this.y2; var movedX = Math.abs(this.x1 - this.x2), movedY = Math.abs(this.y1 - this.y2); if (movedX > 10 || movedY > 10) { this._preventTap = true; } } else { evt.deltaX = 0; evt.deltaY = 0; } this.pressMove.dispatch(evt, this.element); } this.touchMove.dispatch(evt, this.element); this._cancelLongTap(); this.x2 = currentX; this.y2 = currentY; if (len > 1) { evt.preventDefault(); } } }, { key: "end", value: function end(evt) { if (!evt.changedTouches) { return; } this._cancelLongTap(); var self = this; if (evt.touches.length < 2) { this.multipointEnd.dispatch(evt, this.element); this.sx2 = this.sy2 = null; } if (this.x2 && Math.abs(this.x1 - this.x2) > 30 || this.y2 && Math.abs(this.y1 - this.y2) > 30) { evt.direction = this._swipeDirection(this.x1, this.x2, this.y1, this.y2); this.swipeTimeout = setTimeout(function () { self.swipe.dispatch(evt, self.element); }, 0); } else { this.tapTimeout = setTimeout(function () { if (!self._preventTap) { self.tap.dispatch(evt, self.element); } if (self.isDoubleTap) { self.doubleTap.dispatch(evt, self.element); self.isDoubleTap = false; } }, 0); if (!self.isDoubleTap) { self.singleTapTimeout = setTimeout(function () { self.singleTap.dispatch(evt, self.element); }, 250); } } this.touchEnd.dispatch(evt, this.element); this.preV.x = 0; this.preV.y = 0; this.zoom = 1; this.pinchStartLen = null; this.x1 = this.x2 = this.y1 = this.y2 = null; } }, { key: "cancelAll", value: function cancelAll() { this._preventTap = true; clearTimeout(this.singleTapTimeout); clearTimeout(this.tapTimeout); clearTimeout(this.longTapTimeout); clearTimeout(this.swipeTimeout); } }, { key: "cancel", value: function cancel(evt) { this.cancelAll(); this.touchCancel.dispatch(evt, this.element); } }, { key: "_cancelLongTap", value: function _cancelLongTap() { clearTimeout(this.longTapTimeout); } }, { key: "_cancelSingleTap", value: function _cancelSingleTap() { clearTimeout(this.singleTapTimeout); } }, { key: "_swipeDirection", value: function _swipeDirection(x1, x2, y1, y2) { return Math.abs(x1 - x2) >= Math.abs(y1 - y2) ? x1 - x2 > 0 ? 'Left' : 'Right' : y1 - y2 > 0 ? 'Up' : 'Down'; } }, { key: "on", value: function on(evt, handler) { if (this[evt]) { this[evt].add(handler); } } }, { key: "off", value: function off(evt, handler) { if (this[evt]) { this[evt].del(handler); } } }, { key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { if (this.singleTapTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.singleTapTimeout); } if (this.tapTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.tapTimeout); } if (this.longTapTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.longTapTimeout); } if (this.swipeTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.swipeTimeout); } this.element.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.start); this.element.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.move); this.element.removeEventListener('touchend', this.end); this.element.removeEventListener('touchcancel', this.cancel); this.rotate.del(); this.touchStart.del(); this.multipointStart.del(); this.multipointEnd.del(); this.pinch.del(); this.swipe.del(); this.tap.del(); this.doubleTap.del(); this.longTap.del(); this.singleTap.del(); this.pressMove.del(); this.twoFingerPressMove.del(); this.touchMove.del(); this.touchEnd.del(); this.touchCancel.del(); this.preV = this.pinchStartLen = this.zoom = this.isDoubleTap = this.delta = this.last = this.now = this.tapTimeout = this.singleTapTimeout = this.longTapTimeout = this.swipeTimeout = this.x1 = this.x2 = this.y1 = this.y2 = this.preTapPosition = this.rotate = this.touchStart = this.multipointStart = this.multipointEnd = this.pinch = this.swipe = this.tap = this.doubleTap = this.longTap = this.singleTap = this.pressMove = this.touchMove = this.touchEnd = this.touchCancel = this.twoFingerPressMove = null; window.removeEventListener('scroll', this._cancelAllHandler); return null; } }]); return TouchEvents; }(); function resetSlideMove(slide) { var transitionEnd = whichTransitionEvent(); var media = hasClass(slide, 'gslide-media') ? slide : slide.querySelector('.gslide-media'); var desc = slide.querySelector('.gslide-description'); addClass(media, 'greset'); cssTransform(media, 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)'); addEvent(transitionEnd, { onElement: media, once: true, withCallback: function withCallback(event, target) { removeClass(media, 'greset'); } }); media.style.opacity = ''; if (desc) { desc.style.opacity = ''; } } function touchNavigation(instance) { if (instance.events.hasOwnProperty('touch')) { return false; } var winSize = windowSize(); var winWidth = winSize.width; var winHeight = winSize.height; var process = false; var currentSlide = null; var media = null; var mediaImage = null; var doingMove = false; var initScale = 1; var maxScale = 4.5; var currentScale = 1; var doingZoom = false; var imageZoomed = false; var zoomedPosX = null; var zoomedPosY = null; var lastZoomedPosX = null; var lastZoomedPosY = null; var hDistance; var vDistance; var hDistancePercent = 0; var vDistancePercent = 0; var vSwipe = false; var hSwipe = false; var startCoords = {}; var endCoords = {}; var xDown = 0; var yDown = 0; var isInlined; var sliderWrapper = document.getElementById('glightbox-slider'); var overlay = document.querySelector('.goverlay'); var touchInstance = new TouchEvents(sliderWrapper, { touchStart: function touchStart(e) { process = true; if (hasClass(e.targetTouches[0].target, 'ginner-container') || closest(e.targetTouches[0].target, '.gslide-desc') || e.targetTouches[0].target.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'a') { process = false; } if (closest(e.targetTouches[0].target, '.gslide-inline') && !hasClass(e.targetTouches[0].target.parentNode, 'gslide-inline')) { process = false; } if (process) { endCoords = e.targetTouches[0]; startCoords.pageX = e.targetTouches[0].pageX; startCoords.pageY = e.targetTouches[0].pageY; xDown = e.targetTouches[0].clientX; yDown = e.targetTouches[0].clientY; currentSlide = instance.activeSlide; media = currentSlide.querySelector('.gslide-media'); isInlined = currentSlide.querySelector('.gslide-inline'); mediaImage = null; if (hasClass(media, 'gslide-image')) { mediaImage = media.querySelector('img'); } removeClass(overlay, 'greset'); if (e.pageX > 20 && e.pageX < window.innerWidth - 20) { return; } e.preventDefault(); } }, touchMove: function touchMove(e) { if (!process) { return; } endCoords = e.targetTouches[0]; if (doingZoom || imageZoomed) { return; } if (isInlined && isInlined.offsetHeight > winHeight) { var moved = startCoords.pageX - endCoords.pageX; if (Math.abs(moved) <= 13) { return false; } } doingMove = true; var xUp = e.targetTouches[0].clientX; var yUp = e.targetTouches[0].clientY; var xDiff = xDown - xUp; var yDiff = yDown - yUp; if (Math.abs(xDiff) > Math.abs(yDiff)) { vSwipe = false; hSwipe = true; } else { hSwipe = false; vSwipe = true; } hDistance = endCoords.pageX - startCoords.pageX; hDistancePercent = hDistance * 100 / winWidth; vDistance = endCoords.pageY - startCoords.pageY; vDistancePercent = vDistance * 100 / winHeight; var opacity; if (vSwipe && mediaImage) { opacity = 1 - Math.abs(vDistance) / winHeight; overlay.style.opacity = opacity; if (instance.settings.touchFollowAxis) { hDistancePercent = 0; } } if (hSwipe) { opacity = 1 - Math.abs(hDistance) / winWidth; media.style.opacity = opacity; if (instance.settings.touchFollowAxis) { vDistancePercent = 0; } } if (!mediaImage) { return cssTransform(media, "translate3d(".concat(hDistancePercent, "%, 0, 0)")); } cssTransform(media, "translate3d(".concat(hDistancePercent, "%, ").concat(vDistancePercent, "%, 0)")); }, touchEnd: function touchEnd() { if (!process) { return; } doingMove = false; if (imageZoomed || doingZoom) { lastZoomedPosX = zoomedPosX; lastZoomedPosY = zoomedPosY; return; } var v = Math.abs(parseInt(vDistancePercent)); var h = Math.abs(parseInt(hDistancePercent)); if (v > 29 && mediaImage) { instance.close(); return; } if (v < 29 && h < 25) { addClass(overlay, 'greset'); overlay.style.opacity = 1; return resetSlideMove(media); } }, multipointEnd: function multipointEnd() { setTimeout(function () { doingZoom = false; }, 50); }, multipointStart: function multipointStart() { doingZoom = true; initScale = currentScale ? currentScale : 1; }, pinch: function pinch(evt) { if (!mediaImage || doingMove) { return false; } doingZoom = true; mediaImage.scaleX = mediaImage.scaleY = initScale * evt.zoom; var scale = initScale * evt.zoom; imageZoomed = true; if (scale <= 1) { imageZoomed = false; scale = 1; lastZoomedPosY = null; lastZoomedPosX = null; zoomedPosX = null; zoomedPosY = null; mediaImage.setAttribute('style', ''); return; } if (scale > maxScale) { scale = maxScale; } mediaImage.style.transform = "scale3d(".concat(scale, ", ").concat(scale, ", 1)"); currentScale = scale; }, pressMove: function pressMove(e) { if (imageZoomed && !doingZoom) { var mhDistance = endCoords.pageX - startCoords.pageX; var mvDistance = endCoords.pageY - startCoords.pageY; if (lastZoomedPosX) { mhDistance = mhDistance + lastZoomedPosX; } if (lastZoomedPosY) { mvDistance = mvDistance + lastZoomedPosY; } zoomedPosX = mhDistance; zoomedPosY = mvDistance; var style = "translate3d(".concat(mhDistance, "px, ").concat(mvDistance, "px, 0)"); if (currentScale) { style += " scale3d(".concat(currentScale, ", ").concat(currentScale, ", 1)"); } cssTransform(mediaImage, style); } }, swipe: function swipe(evt) { if (imageZoomed) { return; } if (doingZoom) { doingZoom = false; return; } if (evt.direction == 'Left') { if (instance.index == instance.elements.length - 1) { return resetSlideMove(media); } instance.nextSlide(); } if (evt.direction == 'Right') { if (instance.index == 0) { return resetSlideMove(media); } instance.prevSlide(); } } }); instance.events['touch'] = touchInstance; } var ZoomImages = function () { function ZoomImages(el, slide) { var _this = this; var onclose = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : null; _classCallCheck(this, ZoomImages); this.img = el; this.slide = slide; this.onclose = onclose; if (this.img.setZoomEvents) { return false; } this.active = false; this.zoomedIn = false; this.dragging = false; this.currentX = null; this.currentY = null; this.initialX = null; this.initialY = null; this.xOffset = 0; this.yOffset = 0; this.img.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) { return _this.dragStart(e); }, false); this.img.addEventListener('mouseup', function (e) { return _this.dragEnd(e); }, false); this.img.addEventListener('mousemove', function (e) { return _this.drag(e); }, false); this.img.addEventListener('click', function (e) { if (_this.slide.classList.contains('dragging-nav')) { _this.zoomOut(); return false; } if (!_this.zoomedIn) { return _this.zoomIn(); } if (_this.zoomedIn && !_this.dragging) { _this.zoomOut(); } }, false); this.img.setZoomEvents = true; } _createClass(ZoomImages, [{ key: "zoomIn", value: function zoomIn() { var winWidth = this.widowWidth(); if (this.zoomedIn || winWidth <= 768) { return; } var img = this.img; img.setAttribute('data-style', img.getAttribute('style')); img.style.maxWidth = img.naturalWidth + 'px'; img.style.maxHeight = img.naturalHeight + 'px'; if (img.naturalWidth > winWidth) { var centerX = winWidth / 2 - img.naturalWidth / 2; this.setTranslate(this.img.parentNode, centerX, 0); } this.slide.classList.add('zoomed'); this.zoomedIn = true; } }, { key: "zoomOut", value: function zoomOut() { this.img.parentNode.setAttribute('style', ''); this.img.setAttribute('style', this.img.getAttribute('data-style')); this.slide.classList.remove('zoomed'); this.zoomedIn = false; this.currentX = null; this.currentY = null; this.initialX = null; this.initialY = null; this.xOffset = 0; this.yOffset = 0; if (this.onclose && typeof this.onclose == 'function') { this.onclose(); } } }, { key: "dragStart", value: function dragStart(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!this.zoomedIn) { this.active = false; return; } if (e.type === 'touchstart') { this.initialX = e.touches[0].clientX - this.xOffset; this.initialY = e.touches[0].clientY - this.yOffset; } else { this.initialX = e.clientX - this.xOffset; this.initialY = e.clientY - this.yOffset; } if (e.target === this.img) { this.active = true; this.img.classList.add('dragging'); } } }, { key: "dragEnd", value: function dragEnd(e) { var _this2 = this; e.preventDefault(); this.initialX = this.currentX; this.initialY = this.currentY; this.active = false; setTimeout(function () { _this2.dragging = false; _this2.img.isDragging = false; _this2.img.classList.remove('dragging'); }, 100); } }, { key: "drag", value: function drag(e) { if (this.active) { e.preventDefault(); if (e.type === 'touchmove') { this.currentX = e.touches[0].clientX - this.initialX; this.currentY = e.touches[0].clientY - this.initialY; } else { this.currentX = e.clientX - this.initialX; this.currentY = e.clientY - this.initialY; } this.xOffset = this.currentX; this.yOffset = this.currentY; this.img.isDragging = true; this.dragging = true; this.setTranslate(this.img, this.currentX, this.currentY); } } }, { key: "onMove", value: function onMove(e) { if (!this.zoomedIn) { return; } var xOffset = e.clientX - this.img.naturalWidth / 2; var yOffset = e.clientY - this.img.naturalHeight / 2; this.setTranslate(this.img, xOffset, yOffset); } }, { key: "setTranslate", value: function setTranslate(node, xPos, yPos) { node.style.transform = 'translate3d(' + xPos + 'px, ' + yPos + 'px, 0)'; } }, { key: "widowWidth", value: function widowWidth() { return window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; } }]); return ZoomImages; }(); var DragSlides = function () { function DragSlides() { var _this = this; var config = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; _classCallCheck(this, DragSlides); var dragEl = config.dragEl, _config$toleranceX = config.toleranceX, toleranceX = _config$toleranceX === void 0 ? 40 : _config$toleranceX, _config$toleranceY = config.toleranceY, toleranceY = _config$toleranceY === void 0 ? 65 : _config$toleranceY, _config$slide = config.slide, slide = _config$slide === void 0 ? null : _config$slide, _config$instance = config.instance, instance = _config$instance === void 0 ? null : _config$instance; this.el = dragEl; this.active = false; this.dragging = false; this.currentX = null; this.currentY = null; this.initialX = null; this.initialY = null; this.xOffset = 0; this.yOffset = 0; this.direction = null; this.lastDirection = null; this.toleranceX = toleranceX; this.toleranceY = toleranceY; this.toleranceReached = false; this.dragContainer = this.el; this.slide = slide; this.instance = instance; this.el.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) { return _this.dragStart(e); }, false); this.el.addEventListener('mouseup', function (e) { return _this.dragEnd(e); }, false); this.el.addEventListener('mousemove', function (e) { return _this.drag(e); }, false); } _createClass(DragSlides, [{ key: "dragStart", value: function dragStart(e) { if (this.slide.classList.contains('zoomed')) { this.active = false; return; } if (e.type === 'touchstart') { this.initialX = e.touches[0].clientX - this.xOffset; this.initialY = e.touches[0].clientY - this.yOffset; } else { this.initialX = e.clientX - this.xOffset; this.initialY = e.clientY - this.yOffset; } var clicked = e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase(); var exludeClicks = ['input', 'select', 'textarea', 'button', 'a']; if (e.target.classList.contains('nodrag') || closest(e.target, '.nodrag') || exludeClicks.indexOf(clicked) !== -1) { this.active = false; return; } e.preventDefault(); if (e.target === this.el || clicked !== 'img' && closest(e.target, '.gslide-inline')) { this.active = true; this.el.classList.add('dragging'); this.dragContainer = closest(e.target, '.ginner-container'); } } }, { key: "dragEnd", value: function dragEnd(e) { var _this2 = this; e && e.preventDefault(); this.initialX = 0; this.initialY = 0; this.currentX = null; this.currentY = null; this.initialX = null; this.initialY = null; this.xOffset = 0; this.yOffset = 0; this.active = false; if (this.doSlideChange) { this.instance.preventOutsideClick = true; this.doSlideChange == 'right' && this.instance.prevSlide(); this.doSlideChange == 'left' && this.instance.nextSlide(); } if (this.doSlideClose) { this.instance.close(); } if (!this.toleranceReached) { this.setTranslate(this.dragContainer, 0, 0, true); } setTimeout(function () { _this2.instance.preventOutsideClick = false; _this2.toleranceReached = false; _this2.lastDirection = null; _this2.dragging = false; _this2.el.isDragging = false; _this2.el.classList.remove('dragging'); _this2.slide.classList.remove('dragging-nav'); _this2.dragContainer.style.transform = ''; _this2.dragContainer.style.transition = ''; }, 100); } }, { key: "drag", value: function drag(e) { if (this.active) { e.preventDefault(); this.slide.classList.add('dragging-nav'); if (e.type === 'touchmove') { this.currentX = e.touches[0].clientX - this.initialX; this.currentY = e.touches[0].clientY - this.initialY; } else { this.currentX = e.clientX - this.initialX; this.currentY = e.clientY - this.initialY; } this.xOffset = this.currentX; this.yOffset = this.currentY; this.el.isDragging = true; this.dragging = true; this.doSlideChange = false; this.doSlideClose = false; var currentXInt = Math.abs(this.currentX); var currentYInt = Math.abs(this.currentY); if (currentXInt > 0 && currentXInt >= Math.abs(this.currentY) && (!this.lastDirection || this.lastDirection == 'x')) { this.yOffset = 0; this.lastDirection = 'x'; this.setTranslate(this.dragContainer, this.currentX, 0); var doChange = this.shouldChange(); if (!this.instance.settings.dragAutoSnap && doChange) { this.doSlideChange = doChange; } if (this.instance.settings.dragAutoSnap && doChange) { this.instance.preventOutsideClick = true; this.toleranceReached = true; this.active = false; this.instance.preventOutsideClick = true; this.dragEnd(null); doChange == 'right' && this.instance.prevSlide(); doChange == 'left' && this.instance.nextSlide(); return; } } if (this.toleranceY > 0 && currentYInt > 0 && currentYInt >= currentXInt && (!this.lastDirection || this.lastDirection == 'y')) { this.xOffset = 0; this.lastDirection = 'y'; this.setTranslate(this.dragContainer, 0, this.currentY); var doClose = this.shouldClose(); if (!this.instance.settings.dragAutoSnap && doClose) { this.doSlideClose = true; } if (this.instance.settings.dragAutoSnap && doClose) { this.instance.close(); } return; } } } }, { key: "shouldChange", value: function shouldChange() { var doChange = false; var currentXInt = Math.abs(this.currentX); if (currentXInt >= this.toleranceX) { var dragDir = this.currentX > 0 ? 'right' : 'left'; if (dragDir == 'left' && this.slide !== this.slide.parentNode.lastChild || dragDir == 'right' && this.slide !== this.slide.parentNode.firstChild) { doChange = dragDir; } } return doChange; } }, { key: "shouldClose", value: function shouldClose() { var doClose = false; var currentYInt = Math.abs(this.currentY); if (currentYInt >= this.toleranceY) { doClose = true; } return doClose; } }, { key: "setTranslate", value: function setTranslate(node, xPos, yPos) { var animated = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : false; if (animated) { node.style.transition = 'all .2s ease'; } else { node.style.transition = ''; } node.style.transform = "translate3d(".concat(xPos, "px, ").concat(yPos, "px, 0)"); } }]); return DragSlides; }(); function slideImage(slide, data, index, callback) { var slideMedia = slide.querySelector('.gslide-media'); var img = new Image(); var titleID = 'gSlideTitle_' + index; var textID = 'gSlideDesc_' + index; img.addEventListener('load', function () { if (isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } }, false); img.src = data.href; img.alt = ''; if (data.title !== '') { img.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', titleID); } if (data.description !== '') { img.setAttribute('aria-describedby', textID); } slideMedia.insertBefore(img, slideMedia.firstChild); return; } function slideVideo(slide, data, index, callback) { var _this = this; var slideContainer = slide.querySelector('.ginner-container'); var videoID = 'gvideo' + index; var slideMedia = slide.querySelector('.gslide-media'); var videoPlayers = this.getAllPlayers(); addClass(slideContainer, 'gvideo-container'); slideMedia.insertBefore(createHTML('
'), slideMedia.firstChild); var videoWrapper = slide.querySelector('.gvideo-wrapper'); injectAssets(this.settings.plyr.css, 'Plyr'); var url = data.href; var protocol = location.protocol.replace(':', ''); var videoSource = ''; var embedID = ''; var customPlaceholder = false; if (protocol == 'file') { protocol = 'http'; } slideMedia.style.maxWidth = data.width; injectAssets(this.settings.plyr.js, 'Plyr', function () { if (url.match(/vimeo\.com\/([0-9]*)/)) { var vimeoID = /vimeo.*\/(\d+)/i.exec(url); videoSource = 'vimeo'; embedID = vimeoID[1]; } if (url.match(/(youtube\.com|youtube-nocookie\.com)\/watch\?v=([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)/) || url.match(/youtu\.be\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)/) || url.match(/(youtube\.com|youtube-nocookie\.com)\/embed\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)/)) { var youtubeID = getYoutubeID(url); videoSource = 'youtube'; embedID = youtubeID; } if (url.match(/\.(mp4|ogg|webm|mov)$/) !== null) { videoSource = 'local'; var html = ''; customPlaceholder = createHTML(html); } var placeholder = customPlaceholder ? customPlaceholder : createHTML("
")); addClass(videoWrapper, "".concat(videoSource, "-video gvideo")); videoWrapper.appendChild(placeholder); videoWrapper.setAttribute('data-id', videoID); videoWrapper.setAttribute('data-index', index); var playerConfig = has(_this.settings.plyr, 'config') ? _this.settings.plyr.config : {}; var player = new Plyr('#' + videoID, playerConfig); player.on('ready', function (event) { var instance = event.detail.plyr; videoPlayers[videoID] = instance; if (isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } }); player.on('enterfullscreen', handleMediaFullScreen); player.on('exitfullscreen', handleMediaFullScreen); }); } function getYoutubeID(url) { var videoID = ''; url = url.replace(/(>|<)/gi, '').split(/(vi\/|v=|\/v\/|youtu\.be\/|\/embed\/)/); if (url[2] !== undefined) { videoID = url[2].split(/[^0-9a-z_\-]/i); videoID = videoID[0]; } else { videoID = url; } return videoID; } function handleMediaFullScreen(event) { var media = closest(event.target, '.gslide-media'); if (event.type == 'enterfullscreen') { addClass(media, 'fullscreen'); } if (event.type == 'exitfullscreen') { removeClass(media, 'fullscreen'); } } function slideInline(slide, data, index, callback) { var _this = this; var slideMedia = slide.querySelector('.gslide-media'); var hash = has(data, 'href') && data.href ? data.href.split('#').pop().trim() : false; var content = has(data, 'content') && data.content ? data.content : false; var innerContent; if (content) { if (isString(content)) { innerContent = createHTML("
".concat(content, "
")); } if (isNode(content)) { if (content.style.display == 'none') { content.style.display = 'block'; } var container = document.createElement('div'); container.className = 'ginlined-content'; container.appendChild(content); innerContent = container; } } if (hash) { var div = document.getElementById(hash); if (!div) { return false; } var cloned = div.cloneNode(true); cloned.style.height = data.height; cloned.style.maxWidth = data.width; addClass(cloned, 'ginlined-content'); innerContent = cloned; } if (!innerContent) { console.error('Unable to append inline slide content', data); return false; } slideMedia.style.height = data.height; slideMedia.style.width = data.width; slideMedia.appendChild(innerContent); this.events['inlineclose' + hash] = addEvent('click', { onElement: slideMedia.querySelectorAll('.gtrigger-close'), withCallback: function withCallback(e) { e.preventDefault(); _this.close(); } }); if (isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } return; } function slideIframe(slide, data, index, callback) { var slideMedia = slide.querySelector('.gslide-media'); var iframe = createIframe({ url: data.href, callback: callback }); slideMedia.parentNode.style.maxWidth = data.width; slideMedia.parentNode.style.height = data.height; slideMedia.appendChild(iframe); return; } var SlideConfigParser = function () { function SlideConfigParser() { var slideParamas = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; _classCallCheck(this, SlideConfigParser); this.defaults = { href: '', title: '', type: '', description: '', descPosition: 'bottom', effect: '', width: '', height: '', content: false, zoomable: true, draggable: true }; if (isObject(slideParamas)) { this.defaults = extend(this.defaults, slideParamas); } } _createClass(SlideConfigParser, [{ key: "sourceType", value: function sourceType(url) { var origin = url; url = url.toLowerCase(); if (url.match(/\.(jpeg|jpg|jpe|gif|png|apn|webp|svg)$/) !== null) { return 'image'; } if (url.match(/(youtube\.com|youtube-nocookie\.com)\/watch\?v=([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)/) || url.match(/youtu\.be\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)/) || url.match(/(youtube\.com|youtube-nocookie\.com)\/embed\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)/)) { return 'video'; } if (url.match(/vimeo\.com\/([0-9]*)/)) { return 'video'; } if (url.match(/\.(mp4|ogg|webm|mov)$/) !== null) { return 'video'; } if (url.match(/\.(mp3|wav|wma|aac|ogg)$/) !== null) { return 'audio'; } if (url.indexOf('#') > -1) { var hash = origin.split('#').pop(); if (hash.trim() !== '') { return 'inline'; } } if (url.indexOf('goajax=true') > -1) { return 'ajax'; } return 'external'; } }, { key: "parseConfig", value: function parseConfig(element, settings) { var _this = this; var data = extend({ descPosition: settings.descPosition }, this.defaults); if (isObject(element) && !isNode(element)) { if (!has(element, 'type')) { if (has(element, 'content') && element.content) { element.type = 'inline'; } else if (has(element, 'href')) { element.type = this.sourceType(element.href); } } var objectData = extend(data, element); this.setSize(objectData, settings); return objectData; } var url = ''; var config = element.getAttribute('data-glightbox'); var nodeType = element.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (nodeType === 'a') { url = element.href; } if (nodeType === 'img') { url = element.src; } data.href = url; each(data, function (val, key) { if (has(settings, key) && key !== 'width') { data[key] = settings[key]; } var nodeData = element.dataset[key]; if (!isNil(nodeData)) { data[key] = _this.sanitizeValue(nodeData); } }); if (data.content) { data.type = 'inline'; } if (!data.type && url) { data.type = this.sourceType(url); } if (!isNil(config)) { var cleanKeys = []; each(data, function (v, k) { cleanKeys.push(';\\s?' + k); }); cleanKeys = cleanKeys.join('\\s?:|'); if (config.trim() !== '') { each(data, function (val, key) { var str = config; var match = '\s?' + key + '\s?:\s?(.*?)(' + cleanKeys + '\s?:|$)'; var regex = new RegExp(match); var matches = str.match(regex); if (matches && matches.length && matches[1]) { var value = matches[1].trim().replace(/;\s*$/, ''); data[key] = _this.sanitizeValue(value); } }); } } else { if (!data.title && nodeType == 'a') { var title = element.title; if (!isNil(title) && title !== '') { data.title = title; } } if (!data.title && nodeType == 'img') { var alt = element.alt; if (!isNil(alt) && alt !== '') { data.title = alt; } } } if (data.description && data.description.substring(0, 1) == '.' && document.querySelector(data.description)) { data.description = document.querySelector(data.description).innerHTML; } else { var nodeDesc = element.querySelector('.glightbox-desc'); if (nodeDesc) { data.description = nodeDesc.innerHTML; } } this.setSize(data, settings); this.slideConfig = data; return data; } }, { key: "setSize", value: function setSize(data, settings) { var defaultWith = data.type == 'video' ? this.checkSize(settings.videosWidth) : this.checkSize(settings.width); var defaultHeight = this.checkSize(settings.height); data.width = has(data, 'width') && data.width !== '' ? this.checkSize(data.width) : defaultWith; data.height = has(data, 'height') && data.height !== '' ? this.checkSize(data.height) : defaultHeight; return data; } }, { key: "checkSize", value: function checkSize(size) { return isNumber(size) ? "".concat(size, "px") : size; } }, { key: "sanitizeValue", value: function sanitizeValue(val) { if (val !== 'true' && val !== 'false') { return val; } return val === 'true'; } }]); return SlideConfigParser; }(); var Slide = function () { function Slide(el, instance, index) { _classCallCheck(this, Slide); this.element = el; this.instance = instance; this.index = index; } _createClass(Slide, [{ key: "setContent", value: function setContent() { var _this = this; var slide = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null; var callback = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false; if (hasClass(slide, 'loaded')) { return false; } var settings = this.instance.settings; var slideConfig = this.slideConfig; var isMobileDevice = isMobile(); if (isFunction(settings.beforeSlideLoad)) { settings.beforeSlideLoad({ index: this.index, slide: slide, player: false }); } var type = slideConfig.type; var position = slideConfig.descPosition; var slideMedia = slide.querySelector('.gslide-media'); var slideTitle = slide.querySelector('.gslide-title'); var slideText = slide.querySelector('.gslide-desc'); var slideDesc = slide.querySelector('.gdesc-inner'); var finalCallback = callback; var titleID = 'gSlideTitle_' + this.index; var textID = 'gSlideDesc_' + this.index; if (isFunction(settings.afterSlideLoad)) { finalCallback = function finalCallback() { if (isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } settings.afterSlideLoad({ index: _this.index, slide: slide, player: _this.instance.getSlidePlayerInstance(_this.index) }); }; } if (slideConfig.title == '' && slideConfig.description == '') { if (slideDesc) { slideDesc.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(slideDesc.parentNode); } } else { if (slideTitle && slideConfig.title !== '') { slideTitle.id = titleID; slideTitle.innerHTML = slideConfig.title; } else { slideTitle.parentNode.removeChild(slideTitle); } if (slideText && slideConfig.description !== '') { slideText.id = textID; if (isMobileDevice && settings.moreLength > 0) { slideConfig.smallDescription = this.slideShortDesc(slideConfig.description, settings.moreLength, settings.moreText); slideText.innerHTML = slideConfig.smallDescription; this.descriptionEvents(slideText, slideConfig); } else { slideText.innerHTML = slideConfig.description; } } else { slideText.parentNode.removeChild(slideText); } addClass(slideMedia.parentNode, "desc-".concat(position)); addClass(slideDesc.parentNode, "description-".concat(position)); } addClass(slideMedia, "gslide-".concat(type)); addClass(slide, 'loaded'); if (type === 'video') { slideVideo.apply(this.instance, [slide, slideConfig, this.index, finalCallback]); return; } if (type === 'external') { slideIframe.apply(this, [slide, slideConfig, this.index, finalCallback]); return; } if (type === 'inline') { slideInline.apply(this.instance, [slide, slideConfig, this.index, finalCallback]); if (settings.draggable) { new DragSlides({ dragEl: slide.querySelector('.gslide-inline'), toleranceX: settings.dragToleranceX, toleranceY: settings.dragToleranceY, slide: slide, instance: this.instance }); } return; } if (type === 'image') { slideImage(slide, slideConfig, this.index, function () { var img = slide.querySelector('img'); if (settings.draggable) { new DragSlides({ dragEl: img, toleranceX: settings.dragToleranceX, toleranceY: settings.dragToleranceY, slide: slide, instance: _this.instance }); } if (slideConfig.zoomable && img.naturalWidth > img.offsetWidth) { addClass(img, 'zoomable'); new ZoomImages(img, slide, function () { _this.instance.resize(); }); } if (isFunction(finalCallback)) { finalCallback(); } }); return; } if (isFunction(finalCallback)) { finalCallback(); } } }, { key: "slideShortDesc", value: function slideShortDesc(string) { var n = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 50; var wordBoundary = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = string; var cleanedString = div.innerText; var useWordBoundary = wordBoundary; string = cleanedString.trim(); if (string.length <= n) { return string; } var subString = string.substr(0, n - 1); if (!useWordBoundary) { return subString; } div = null; return subString + '... ' + wordBoundary + ''; } }, { key: "descriptionEvents", value: function descriptionEvents(desc, data) { var _this2 = this; var moreLink = desc.querySelector('.desc-more'); if (!moreLink) { return false; } addEvent('click', { onElement: moreLink, withCallback: function withCallback(event, target) { event.preventDefault(); var body = document.body; var desc = closest(target, '.gslide-desc'); if (!desc) { return false; } desc.innerHTML = data.description; addClass(body, 'gdesc-open'); var shortEvent = addEvent('click', { onElement: [body, closest(desc, '.gslide-description')], withCallback: function withCallback(event, target) { if (event.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'a') { removeClass(body, 'gdesc-open'); addClass(body, 'gdesc-closed'); desc.innerHTML = data.smallDescription; _this2.descriptionEvents(desc, data); setTimeout(function () { removeClass(body, 'gdesc-closed'); }, 400); shortEvent.destroy(); } } }); } }); } }, { key: "create", value: function create() { return createHTML(this.instance.settings.slideHTML); } }, { key: "getConfig", value: function getConfig() { var parser = new SlideConfigParser(this.instance.settings.slideExtraAttributes); this.slideConfig = parser.parseConfig(this.element, this.instance.settings); return this.slideConfig; } }]); return Slide; }(); var _version = '3.0.7'; var isMobile$1 = isMobile(); var isTouch$1 = isTouch(); var html = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]; var defaults = { selector: '.glightbox', elements: null, skin: 'clean', theme: 'clean', closeButton: true, startAt: null, autoplayVideos: true, autofocusVideos: true, descPosition: 'bottom', width: '900px', height: '506px', videosWidth: '960px', beforeSlideChange: null, afterSlideChange: null, beforeSlideLoad: null, afterSlideLoad: null, slideInserted: null, slideRemoved: null, slideExtraAttributes: null, onOpen: null, onClose: null, loop: false, zoomable: true, draggable: true, dragAutoSnap: false, dragToleranceX: 40, dragToleranceY: 65, preload: true, oneSlidePerOpen: false, touchNavigation: true, touchFollowAxis: true, keyboardNavigation: true, closeOnOutsideClick: true, plugins: false, plyr: { css: 'https://cdn.plyr.io/3.6.3/plyr.css', js: 'https://cdn.plyr.io/3.6.3/plyr.js', config: { ratio: '16:9', fullscreen: { enabled: true, iosNative: true }, youtube: { noCookie: true, rel: 0, showinfo: 0, iv_load_policy: 3 }, vimeo: { byline: false, portrait: false, title: false, transparent: false } } }, openEffect: 'zoom', closeEffect: 'zoom', slideEffect: 'slide', moreText: 'See more', moreLength: 60, cssEfects: { fade: { "in": 'fadeIn', out: 'fadeOut' }, zoom: { "in": 'zoomIn', out: 'zoomOut' }, slide: { "in": 'slideInRight', out: 'slideOutLeft' }, slideBack: { "in": 'slideInLeft', out: 'slideOutRight' }, none: { "in": 'none', out: 'none' } }, svg: { close: '', next: ' ', prev: '' } }; defaults.slideHTML = "

"; defaults.lightboxHTML = "
\n \n \n \n
"; var GlightboxInit = function () { function GlightboxInit() { var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; _classCallCheck(this, GlightboxInit); this.settings = extend(defaults, options); this.effectsClasses = this.getAnimationClasses(); this.videoPlayers = {}; this.apiEvents = []; this.fullElementsList = false; } _createClass(GlightboxInit, [{ key: "init", value: function init() { var _this = this; var selector = this.getSelector(); if (selector) { this.baseEvents = addEvent('click', { onElement: selector, withCallback: function withCallback(e, target) { e.preventDefault(); _this.open(target); } }); } this.elements = this.getElements(); } }, { key: "open", value: function open() { var element = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null; var startAt = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null; if (this.elements.length == 0) { return false; } this.activeSlide = null; this.prevActiveSlideIndex = null; this.prevActiveSlide = null; var index = isNumber(startAt) ? startAt : this.settings.startAt; if (isNode(element)) { var gallery = element.getAttribute('data-gallery'); if (gallery) { this.fullElementsList = this.elements; this.elements = this.getGalleryElements(this.elements, gallery); } if (isNil(index)) { index = this.getElementIndex(element); if (index < 0) { index = 0; } } } if (!isNumber(index)) { index = 0; } this.build(); animateElement(this.overlay, this.settings.openEffect == 'none' ? 'none' : this.settings.cssEfects.fade["in"]); var body = document.body; var scrollBar = window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth; if (scrollBar > 0) { var styleSheet = document.createElement('style'); styleSheet.type = 'text/css'; styleSheet.className = 'gcss-styles'; styleSheet.innerText = ".gscrollbar-fixer {margin-right: ".concat(scrollBar, "px}"); document.head.appendChild(styleSheet); addClass(body, 'gscrollbar-fixer'); } addClass(body, 'glightbox-open'); addClass(html, 'glightbox-open'); if (isMobile$1) { addClass(document.body, 'glightbox-mobile'); this.settings.slideEffect = 'slide'; } this.showSlide(index, true); if (this.elements.length == 1) { addClass(this.prevButton, 'glightbox-button-hidden'); addClass(this.nextButton, 'glightbox-button-hidden'); } else { removeClass(this.prevButton, 'glightbox-button-hidden'); removeClass(this.nextButton, 'glightbox-button-hidden'); } this.lightboxOpen = true; this.trigger('open'); if (isFunction(this.settings.onOpen)) { this.settings.onOpen(); } if (isTouch$1 && this.settings.touchNavigation) { touchNavigation(this); } if (this.settings.keyboardNavigation) { keyboardNavigation(this); } } }, { key: "openAt", value: function openAt() { var index = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0; this.open(null, index); } }, { key: "showSlide", value: function showSlide() { var _this2 = this; var index = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 0; var first = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false; show(this.loader); this.index = parseInt(index); var current = this.slidesContainer.querySelector('.current'); if (current) { removeClass(current, 'current'); } this.slideAnimateOut(); var slideNode = this.slidesContainer.querySelectorAll('.gslide')[index]; if (hasClass(slideNode, 'loaded')) { this.slideAnimateIn(slideNode, first); hide(this.loader); } else { show(this.loader); var slide = this.elements[index]; var slideData = { index: this.index, slide: slideNode, slideNode: slideNode, slideConfig: slide.slideConfig, slideIndex: this.index, trigger: slide.node, player: null }; this.trigger('slide_before_load', slideData); slide.instance.setContent(slideNode, function () { hide(_this2.loader); _this2.resize(); _this2.slideAnimateIn(slideNode, first); _this2.trigger('slide_after_load', slideData); }); } this.slideDescription = slideNode.querySelector('.gslide-description'); this.slideDescriptionContained = this.slideDescription && hasClass(this.slideDescription.parentNode, 'gslide-media'); if (this.settings.preload) { this.preloadSlide(index + 1); this.preloadSlide(index - 1); } this.updateNavigationClasses(); this.activeSlide = slideNode; } }, { key: "preloadSlide", value: function preloadSlide(index) { var _this3 = this; if (index < 0 || index > this.elements.length - 1) { return false; } if (isNil(this.elements[index])) { return false; } var slideNode = this.slidesContainer.querySelectorAll('.gslide')[index]; if (hasClass(slideNode, 'loaded')) { return false; } var slide = this.elements[index]; var type = slide.type; var slideData = { index: index, slide: slideNode, slideNode: slideNode, slideConfig: slide.slideConfig, slideIndex: index, trigger: slide.node, player: null }; this.trigger('slide_before_load', slideData); if (type == 'video' || type == 'external') { setTimeout(function () { slide.instance.setContent(slideNode, function () { _this3.trigger('slide_after_load', slideData); }); }, 200); } else { slide.instance.setContent(slideNode, function () { _this3.trigger('slide_after_load', slideData); }); } } }, { key: "prevSlide", value: function prevSlide() { this.goToSlide(this.index - 1); } }, { key: "nextSlide", value: function nextSlide() { this.goToSlide(this.index + 1); } }, { key: "goToSlide", value: function goToSlide() { var index = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false; this.prevActiveSlide = this.activeSlide; this.prevActiveSlideIndex = this.index; if (!this.loop() && (index < 0 || index > this.elements.length - 1)) { return false; } if (index < 0) { index = this.elements.length - 1; } else if (index >= this.elements.length) { index = 0; } this.showSlide(index); } }, { key: "insertSlide", value: function insertSlide() { var config = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; var index = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : -1; if (index < 0) { index = this.elements.length; } var slide = new Slide(config, this, index); var data = slide.getConfig(); var slideInfo = extend({}, data); var newSlide = slide.create(); var totalSlides = this.elements.length - 1; slideInfo.index = index; slideInfo.node = false; slideInfo.instance = slide; slideInfo.slideConfig = data; this.elements.splice(index, 0, slideInfo); var addedSlideNode = null; var addedSlidePlayer = null; if (this.slidesContainer) { if (index > totalSlides) { this.slidesContainer.appendChild(newSlide); } else { var existingSlide = this.slidesContainer.querySelectorAll('.gslide')[index]; this.slidesContainer.insertBefore(newSlide, existingSlide); } if (this.settings.preload && this.index == 0 && index == 0 || this.index - 1 == index || this.index + 1 == index) { this.preloadSlide(index); } if (this.index == 0 && index == 0) { this.index = 1; } this.updateNavigationClasses(); addedSlideNode = this.slidesContainer.querySelectorAll('.gslide')[index]; addedSlidePlayer = this.getSlidePlayerInstance(index); slideInfo.slideNode = addedSlideNode; } this.trigger('slide_inserted', { index: index, slide: addedSlideNode, slideNode: addedSlideNode, slideConfig: data, slideIndex: index, trigger: null, player: addedSlidePlayer }); if (isFunction(this.settings.slideInserted)) { this.settings.slideInserted({ index: index, slide: addedSlideNode, player: addedSlidePlayer }); } } }, { key: "removeSlide", value: function removeSlide() { var index = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : -1; if (index < 0 || index > this.elements.length - 1) { return false; } var slide = this.slidesContainer && this.slidesContainer.querySelectorAll('.gslide')[index]; if (slide) { if (this.getActiveSlideIndex() == index) { if (index == this.elements.length - 1) { this.prevSlide(); } else { this.nextSlide(); } } slide.parentNode.removeChild(slide); } this.elements.splice(index, 1); this.trigger('slide_removed', index); if (isFunction(this.settings.slideRemoved)) { this.settings.slideRemoved(index); } } }, { key: "slideAnimateIn", value: function slideAnimateIn(slide, first) { var _this4 = this; var slideMedia = slide.querySelector('.gslide-media'); var slideDesc = slide.querySelector('.gslide-description'); var prevData = { index: this.prevActiveSlideIndex, slide: this.prevActiveSlide, slideNode: this.prevActiveSlide, slideIndex: this.prevActiveSlide, slideConfig: isNil(this.prevActiveSlideIndex) ? null : this.elements[this.prevActiveSlideIndex].slideConfig, trigger: isNil(this.prevActiveSlideIndex) ? null : this.elements[this.prevActiveSlideIndex].node, player: this.getSlidePlayerInstance(this.prevActiveSlideIndex) }; var nextData = { index: this.index, slide: this.activeSlide, slideNode: this.activeSlide, slideConfig: this.elements[this.index].slideConfig, slideIndex: this.index, trigger: this.elements[this.index].node, player: this.getSlidePlayerInstance(this.index) }; if (slideMedia.offsetWidth > 0 && slideDesc) { hide(slideDesc); slideDesc.style.display = ''; } removeClass(slide, this.effectsClasses); if (first) { animateElement(slide, this.settings.cssEfects[this.settings.openEffect]["in"], function () { if (_this4.settings.autoplayVideos) { _this4.slidePlayerPlay(slide); } _this4.trigger('slide_changed', { prev: prevData, current: nextData }); if (isFunction(_this4.settings.afterSlideChange)) { _this4.settings.afterSlideChange.apply(_this4, [prevData, nextData]); } }); } else { var effectName = this.settings.slideEffect; var animIn = effectName !== 'none' ? this.settings.cssEfects[effectName]["in"] : effectName; if (this.prevActiveSlideIndex > this.index) { if (this.settings.slideEffect == 'slide') { animIn = this.settings.cssEfects.slideBack["in"]; } } animateElement(slide, animIn, function () { if (_this4.settings.autoplayVideos) { _this4.slidePlayerPlay(slide); } _this4.trigger('slide_changed', { prev: prevData, current: nextData }); if (isFunction(_this4.settings.afterSlideChange)) { _this4.settings.afterSlideChange.apply(_this4, [prevData, nextData]); } }); } setTimeout(function () { _this4.resize(slide); }, 100); addClass(slide, 'current'); } }, { key: "slideAnimateOut", value: function slideAnimateOut() { if (!this.prevActiveSlide) { return false; } var prevSlide = this.prevActiveSlide; removeClass(prevSlide, this.effectsClasses); addClass(prevSlide, 'prev'); var animation = this.settings.slideEffect; var animOut = animation !== 'none' ? this.settings.cssEfects[animation].out : animation; this.slidePlayerPause(prevSlide); this.trigger('slide_before_change', { prev: { index: this.prevActiveSlideIndex, slide: this.prevActiveSlide, slideNode: this.prevActiveSlide, slideIndex: this.prevActiveSlideIndex, slideConfig: isNil(this.prevActiveSlideIndex) ? null : this.elements[this.prevActiveSlideIndex].slideConfig, trigger: isNil(this.prevActiveSlideIndex) ? null : this.elements[this.prevActiveSlideIndex].node, player: this.getSlidePlayerInstance(this.prevActiveSlideIndex) }, current: { index: this.index, slide: this.activeSlide, slideNode: this.activeSlide, slideIndex: this.index, slideConfig: this.elements[this.index].slideConfig, trigger: this.elements[this.index].node, player: this.getSlidePlayerInstance(this.index) } }); if (isFunction(this.settings.beforeSlideChange)) { this.settings.beforeSlideChange.apply(this, [{ index: this.prevActiveSlideIndex, slide: this.prevActiveSlide, player: this.getSlidePlayerInstance(this.prevActiveSlideIndex) }, { index: this.index, slide: this.activeSlide, player: this.getSlidePlayerInstance(this.index) }]); } if (this.prevActiveSlideIndex > this.index && this.settings.slideEffect == 'slide') { animOut = this.settings.cssEfects.slideBack.out; } animateElement(prevSlide, animOut, function () { var media = prevSlide.querySelector('.gslide-media'); var desc = prevSlide.querySelector('.gslide-description'); media.style.transform = ''; removeClass(media, 'greset'); media.style.opacity = ''; if (desc) { desc.style.opacity = ''; } removeClass(prevSlide, 'prev'); }); } }, { key: "getAllPlayers", value: function getAllPlayers() { return this.videoPlayers; } }, { key: "getSlidePlayerInstance", value: function getSlidePlayerInstance(index) { var id = 'gvideo' + index; var videoPlayers = this.getAllPlayers(); if (has(videoPlayers, id) && videoPlayers[id]) { return videoPlayers[id]; } return false; } }, { key: "stopSlideVideo", value: function stopSlideVideo(slide) { if (isNode(slide)) { var node = slide.querySelector('.gvideo-wrapper'); if (node) { slide = node.getAttribute('data-index'); } } console.log('stopSlideVideo is deprecated, use slidePlayerPause'); var player = this.getSlidePlayerInstance(slide); if (player && player.playing) { player.pause(); } } }, { key: "slidePlayerPause", value: function slidePlayerPause(slide) { if (isNode(slide)) { var node = slide.querySelector('.gvideo-wrapper'); if (node) { slide = node.getAttribute('data-index'); } } var player = this.getSlidePlayerInstance(slide); if (player && player.playing) { player.pause(); } } }, { key: "playSlideVideo", value: function playSlideVideo(slide) { if (isNode(slide)) { var node = slide.querySelector('.gvideo-wrapper'); if (node) { slide = node.getAttribute('data-index'); } } console.log('playSlideVideo is deprecated, use slidePlayerPlay'); var player = this.getSlidePlayerInstance(slide); if (player && !player.playing) { player.play(); } } }, { key: "slidePlayerPlay", value: function slidePlayerPlay(slide) { if (isNode(slide)) { var node = slide.querySelector('.gvideo-wrapper'); if (node) { slide = node.getAttribute('data-index'); } } var player = this.getSlidePlayerInstance(slide); console.log('Player is'); console.log(player); if (player && !player.playing) { player.play(); if (this.settings.autofocusVideos) { player.elements.container.focus(); } } } }, { key: "setElements", value: function setElements(elements) { var _this5 = this; this.settings.elements = false; var newElements = []; if (elements && elements.length) { each(elements, function (el, i) { var slide = new Slide(el, _this5, i); var data = slide.getConfig(); var slideInfo = extend({}, data); slideInfo.slideConfig = data; slideInfo.instance = slide; slideInfo.index = i; newElements.push(slideInfo); }); } this.elements = newElements; if (this.lightboxOpen) { this.slidesContainer.innerHTML = ''; if (this.elements.length) { each(this.elements, function () { var slide = createHTML(_this5.settings.slideHTML); _this5.slidesContainer.appendChild(slide); }); this.showSlide(0, true); } } } }, { key: "getElementIndex", value: function getElementIndex(node) { var index = false; each(this.elements, function (el, i) { if (has(el, 'node') && el.node == node) { index = i; return true; } }); return index; } }, { key: "getElements", value: function getElements() { var _this6 = this; var list = []; this.elements = this.elements ? this.elements : []; if (!isNil(this.settings.elements) && isArray(this.settings.elements) && this.settings.elements.length) { each(this.settings.elements, function (el, i) { var slide = new Slide(el, _this6, i); var elData = slide.getConfig(); var slideInfo = extend({}, elData); slideInfo.node = false; slideInfo.index = i; slideInfo.instance = slide; slideInfo.slideConfig = elData; list.push(slideInfo); }); } var nodes = false; var selector = this.getSelector(); if (selector) { nodes = document.querySelectorAll(this.getSelector()); } if (!nodes) { return list; } each(nodes, function (el, i) { var slide = new Slide(el, _this6, i); var elData = slide.getConfig(); var slideInfo = extend({}, elData); slideInfo.node = el; slideInfo.index = i; slideInfo.instance = slide; slideInfo.slideConfig = elData; slideInfo.gallery = el.getAttribute('data-gallery'); list.push(slideInfo); }); return list; } }, { key: "getGalleryElements", value: function getGalleryElements(list, gallery) { return list.filter(function (el) { return el.gallery == gallery; }); } }, { key: "getSelector", value: function getSelector() { if (this.settings.elements) { return false; } if (this.settings.selector && this.settings.selector.substring(0, 5) == 'data-') { return "*[".concat(this.settings.selector, "]"); } return this.settings.selector; } }, { key: "getActiveSlide", value: function getActiveSlide() { return this.slidesContainer.querySelectorAll('.gslide')[this.index]; } }, { key: "getActiveSlideIndex", value: function getActiveSlideIndex() { return this.index; } }, { key: "getAnimationClasses", value: function getAnimationClasses() { var effects = []; for (var key in this.settings.cssEfects) { if (this.settings.cssEfects.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var effect = this.settings.cssEfects[key]; effects.push("g".concat(effect["in"])); effects.push("g".concat(effect.out)); } } return effects.join(' '); } }, { key: "build", value: function build() { var _this7 = this; if (this.built) { return false; } var nextSVG = has(this.settings.svg, 'next') ? this.settings.svg.next : ''; var prevSVG = has(this.settings.svg, 'prev') ? this.settings.svg.prev : ''; var closeSVG = has(this.settings.svg, 'close') ? this.settings.svg.close : ''; var lightboxHTML = this.settings.lightboxHTML; lightboxHTML = lightboxHTML.replace(/{nextSVG}/g, nextSVG); lightboxHTML = lightboxHTML.replace(/{prevSVG}/g, prevSVG); lightboxHTML = lightboxHTML.replace(/{closeSVG}/g, closeSVG); lightboxHTML = createHTML(lightboxHTML); document.body.appendChild(lightboxHTML); var modal = document.getElementById('glightbox-body'); this.modal = modal; var closeButton = modal.querySelector('.gclose'); this.prevButton = modal.querySelector('.gprev'); this.nextButton = modal.querySelector('.gnext'); this.overlay = modal.querySelector('.goverlay'); this.loader = modal.querySelector('.gloader'); this.slidesContainer = document.getElementById('glightbox-slider'); this.events = {}; addClass(this.modal, 'glightbox-' + this.settings.skin); if (this.settings.closeButton && closeButton) { this.events['close'] = addEvent('click', { onElement: closeButton, withCallback: function withCallback(e, target) { e.preventDefault(); _this7.close(); } }); } if (closeButton && !this.settings.closeButton) { closeButton.parentNode.removeChild(closeButton); } if (this.nextButton) { this.events['next'] = addEvent('click', { onElement: this.nextButton, withCallback: function withCallback(e, target) { e.preventDefault(); _this7.nextSlide(); } }); } if (this.prevButton) { this.events['prev'] = addEvent('click', { onElement: this.prevButton, withCallback: function withCallback(e, target) { e.preventDefault(); _this7.prevSlide(); } }); } if (this.settings.closeOnOutsideClick) { this.events['outClose'] = addEvent('click', { onElement: modal, withCallback: function withCallback(e, target) { if (!_this7.preventOutsideClick && !hasClass(document.body, 'glightbox-mobile') && !closest(e.target, '.ginner-container')) { if (!closest(e.target, '.gbtn') && !hasClass(e.target, 'gnext') && !hasClass(e.target, 'gprev')) { _this7.close(); } } } }); } each(this.elements, function (slide, i) { _this7.slidesContainer.appendChild(slide.instance.create()); slide.slideNode = _this7.slidesContainer.querySelectorAll('.gslide')[i]; }); if (isTouch$1) { addClass(document.body, 'glightbox-touch'); } this.events['resize'] = addEvent('resize', { onElement: window, withCallback: function withCallback() { _this7.resize(); } }); this.built = true; } }, { key: "resize", value: function resize() { var slide = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null; slide = !slide ? this.activeSlide : slide; if (!slide || hasClass(slide, 'zoomed')) { return; } var winSize = windowSize(); var video = slide.querySelector('.gvideo-wrapper'); var image = slide.querySelector('.gslide-image'); var description = this.slideDescription; var winWidth = winSize.width; var winHeight = winSize.height; if (winWidth <= 768) { addClass(document.body, 'glightbox-mobile'); } else { removeClass(document.body, 'glightbox-mobile'); } if (!video && !image) { return; } var descriptionResize = false; if (description && (hasClass(description, 'description-bottom') || hasClass(description, 'description-top')) && !hasClass(description, 'gabsolute')) { descriptionResize = true; } if (image) { if (winWidth <= 768) { var imgNode = image.querySelector('img'); imgNode.setAttribute('style', ''); } else if (descriptionResize) { var descHeight = description.offsetHeight; var _imgNode = image.querySelector('img'); _imgNode.setAttribute('style', "max-height: calc(100vh - ".concat(descHeight, "px)")); description.setAttribute('style', "max-width: ".concat(_imgNode.offsetWidth, "px;")); } } if (video) { var ratio = has(this.settings.plyr.config, 'ratio') ? this.settings.plyr.config.ratio : '16:9'; var videoRatio = ratio.split(':'); var maxWidth = 900; var maxHeight = maxWidth / (parseInt(videoRatio[0]) / parseInt(videoRatio[1])); maxHeight = Math.floor(maxHeight); if (descriptionResize) { winHeight = winHeight - description.offsetHeight; } if (winHeight < maxHeight && winWidth > maxWidth) { var vwidth = video.offsetWidth; var vheight = video.offsetHeight; var _ratio = winHeight / vheight; var vsize = { width: vwidth * _ratio, height: vheight * _ratio }; video.parentNode.setAttribute('style', "max-width: ".concat(vsize.width, "px")); if (descriptionResize) { description.setAttribute('style', "max-width: ".concat(vsize.width, "px;")); } } else { video.parentNode.style.maxWidth = "".concat(maxWidth, "px"); if (descriptionResize) { description.setAttribute('style', "max-width: ".concat(maxWidth, "px;")); } } } } }, { key: "reload", value: function reload() { this.init(); } }, { key: "updateNavigationClasses", value: function updateNavigationClasses() { var loop = this.loop(); removeClass(this.nextButton, 'disabled'); removeClass(this.prevButton, 'disabled'); if (this.index == 0 && this.elements.length - 1 == 0) { addClass(this.prevButton, 'disabled'); addClass(this.nextButton, 'disabled'); } else if (this.index === 0 && !loop) { addClass(this.prevButton, 'disabled'); } else if (this.index === this.elements.length - 1 && !loop) { addClass(this.nextButton, 'disabled'); } } }, { key: "loop", value: function loop() { var loop = has(this.settings, 'loopAtEnd') ? this.settings.loopAtEnd : null; loop = has(this.settings, 'loop') ? this.settings.loop : loop; return loop; } }, { key: "close", value: function close() { var _this8 = this; if (!this.lightboxOpen) { if (this.events) { for (var key in this.events) { if (this.events.hasOwnProperty(key)) { this.events[key].destroy(); } } this.events = null; } return false; } if (this.closing) { return false; } this.closing = true; this.slidePlayerPause(this.activeSlide); if (this.fullElementsList) { this.elements = this.fullElementsList; } addClass(this.modal, 'glightbox-closing'); animateElement(this.overlay, this.settings.openEffect == 'none' ? 'none' : this.settings.cssEfects.fade.out); animateElement(this.activeSlide, this.settings.cssEfects[this.settings.closeEffect].out, function () { _this8.activeSlide = null; _this8.prevActiveSlideIndex = null; _this8.prevActiveSlide = null; _this8.built = false; if (_this8.events) { for (var _key in _this8.events) { if (_this8.events.hasOwnProperty(_key)) { _this8.events[_key].destroy(); } } _this8.events = null; } var body = document.body; removeClass(html, 'glightbox-open'); removeClass(body, 'glightbox-open touching gdesc-open glightbox-touch glightbox-mobile gscrollbar-fixer'); _this8.modal.parentNode.removeChild(_this8.modal); _this8.trigger('close'); if (isFunction(_this8.settings.onClose)) { _this8.settings.onClose(); } var styles = document.querySelector('.gcss-styles'); if (styles) { styles.parentNode.removeChild(styles); } _this8.lightboxOpen = false; _this8.closing = null; }); } }, { key: "destroy", value: function destroy() { this.close(); this.clearAllEvents(); if (this.baseEvents) { this.baseEvents.destroy(); } } }, { key: "on", value: function on(evt, callback) { var once = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false; if (!evt || !isFunction(callback)) { throw new TypeError('Event name and callback must be defined'); } this.apiEvents.push({ evt: evt, once: once, callback: callback }); } }, { key: "once", value: function once(evt, callback) { this.on(evt, callback, true); } }, { key: "trigger", value: function trigger(eventName) { var _this9 = this; var data = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null; var onceTriggered = []; each(this.apiEvents, function (event, i) { var evt = event.evt, once = event.once, callback = event.callback; if (evt == eventName) { callback(data); if (once) { onceTriggered.push(i); } } }); if (onceTriggered.length) { each(onceTriggered, function (i) { return _this9.apiEvents.splice(i, 1); }); } } }, { key: "clearAllEvents", value: function clearAllEvents() { this.apiEvents.splice(0, this.apiEvents.length); } }, { key: "version", value: function version() { return _version; } }]); return GlightboxInit; }(); function glightbox () { var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; var instance = new GlightboxInit(options); instance.init(); return instance; } return glightbox; })));