#!/usr/bin/env python # make_wallpaper.py # Scales picture to fit wallpaper and adds matching background # # License: GPLv3 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY# without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # To view a copy of the GNU General Public License # visit: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html # # # ------------ #| Change Log | # ------------ # Rel 1: Initial release. import os from gimpfu import * def make_wallpaper(res_x, res_y, source_path, target_path): # create new image in resolution size res_x = int(res_x) res_y = int(res_y) img = gimp.Image(res_x, res_y) bg = img.new_layer("bg", res_x, res_y) pic = pdb.gimp_file_load_layer(img, source_path) img.add_layer(pic, 0) # scale picture down if it's too big for resolution if pic.width > res_x or pic.height > res_y: scale = 1.0 * res_x / pic.width if scale is not 1.0 * res_y / pic.height: scale_x = (res_x - 50.0) / pic.width scale_y = (res_y - 50.0) / pic.height scale = min(scale_x, scale_y) new_x = int(pic.width * scale) new_y = int(pic.height * scale) pic.scale(new_x, new_y) # get border average of image for 20px, 4 colors if not(pic.width == res_x and pic.height == res_y): pic.set_offsets((res_x - pic.width) // 2, (res_y - pic.height) // 2) color, _ = pdb.plug_in_borderaverage(img, pic, 20, 4) pdb.gimp_palette_set_foreground(color) # fill bg layer with calculated average bg.fill(FOREGROUND_FILL) # desature for certain bgcolors color_hsv = color.to_hsv() if color_hsv[1] > 50 and color_hsv[2] > 50: merged = img.merge_visible_layers(FALSE) img.add_layer(pdb.gimp_layer_copy(merged, FALSE)) multi = img.layers[0] multi.name = "multi" pdb.gimp_desaturate(multi) multi.opacity = 15.0 multi.mode = MULTIPLY_MODE img.add_layer(pdb.gimp_layer_copy(multi, FALSE)) sat = img.layers[0] sat.name = "sat" sat.mode = SATURATION_MODE final = img.merge_visible_layers(FALSE) # save target_file = target_path + ".jpg" pdb.gimp_file_save(img, final, target_file, target_file) def make_wallpaper_from_file(res_x, res_y, source_path, target_dir, target_filename): if not target_dir or not target_filename: source_parts = source_path.split("/") if not target_dir: target_dir = "/".join(source_parts[:len(source_parts) - 1]) if not target_filename: target_filename = source_parts[len(source_parts) - 1] target_path = target_dir + "/" + target_filename make_wallpaper(res_x, res_y, source_path, target_path) def make_wallpaper_batch(res_x, res_y, source_path, recursive, target_path, target_file_prefix, target_file_prefix_subdir, target_pad_number): file_no = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source_path): # set mask length with enough padding zeroes if target_pad_number: mask_len = len(str(len(files))) + 1 else: mask_len = 0 prefix = target_file_prefix if recursive and target_file_prefix_subdir: prefix += str.replace(str.replace(root, " ", "_"), "/", "_") + "_" # setup file names according to preferences for name in files: file_no += 1 file_str = prefix + ("0" * (max(0, mask_len - len(str(file_no))))) + str(file_no) make_wallpaper(res_x, res_y, root + "/" + name, target_path + "/" + file_str) if not recursive: break register( "python_fu_make_wallpaper_batch", "Iterate through given folder, scale each picture and add background for wallpaper", "Iterate through given folder, scale each picture and add background for wallpaper", "Sarah Ziesel", "Sarah Ziesel", "April 2020", "/Python-Fu/Wallpaper/Create Wallpapers From Folder...", "", [ (PF_SLIDER, "res_x", "Screen width", 2560, (1, 9999, 1)), (PF_SLIDER, "res_y", "Screen height", 1440, (1, 9999, 1)), (PF_DIRNAME, "source_path", "Source folder", "Pictures"), (PF_BOOL, "recursive", "Go through subfolders recursively", FALSE), (PF_DIRNAME, "target_path", "Desired target path", "Pictures"), (PF_STRING, "target_file_prefix", "Naming prefix", ""), (PF_BOOL, "target_file_prefix_subdir", "Prefix with sub directory name", TRUE), (PF_BOOL, "target_pad_number", "Pad with leading zeroes", TRUE), ], [], make_wallpaper_batch) register( "python_fu_make_wallpaper_from_file", "Scale picture and add background for wallpaper", "Scales picture to fit wallpaper and adds matching background", "Sarah Ziesel", "Sarah Ziesel", "April 2020", "/Python-Fu/Wallpaper/Create Wallpaper From File...", "", [ (PF_SLIDER, "res_x", "Screen width", 2560, (1, 9999, 1)), (PF_SLIDER, "res_y", "Screen height", 1440, (1, 9999, 1)), (PF_FILE, "source_path", "Source file", ""), (PF_DIRNAME, "target_dir", "Target directory (will use source path if left blank)", ""), (PF_STRING, "target_filename", "Target file name (will be equal to source file name if left blank)", "") ], [], make_wallpaper_from_file) main()