    ☐ come up with new concept for duration component
      ☐ update duration fields to use corresponding component
        ☐ log event type detail (reminder duration)
        ☐ log event detail (reminder duration)
        ☐ meal (bolus delay)
        ☐ log bolus (delay)
    ☐ set name properties as unique (and add checks to forms)
    ☐ check through all detail forms and set required fields/according messages
    ☐ change placement of delete and floating button because its very easy to accidentally hit delete
      ☐ implement deletion by swiping left on item instead?
    ☐ check for changes before navigating as well (not just on cancel)
    ☐ evaluate what type of reports there should be
    ☐ try out graph/diagram components 

    ☐ app icon
    ☐ desktop version
    ☐ add explanations to each section
    ☐ alternate languages
    ☐ log hba1c
    ☐ indicate nested creation process (creating from dropdown etc)
    ☐ enable restoring data from sync
    ☐ indicate read only fields
    ☐ show indicator and make all fields readonly if user somehow gets to a deleted record detail view
    ☐ dropdown tweaks
      ☐ edit item -> cancel: shouldn't clear dropdwon
      ☐ keep focus on textfield when typing
      ☐ account for deleted/disabled elements
    ☐ same icons in detail as in overview to indicate what's what
    ☐ update to use correct components, init/dispose etc
    ☐ change the entire concept of ingredients
    ☐ add functionality to create a meal from a recipe
    ☐ meal tweaking
    ☐ bolus tweaking
    ☐ basal test
    ☐ daily graph (showing glucose curve, events, boli and meals)
  Log Overview:
    ☐ add filters
  Log Entry:
    ☐ check if there is still an active bolus when suggesting glucose bolus
  Event Types:
    ☐ add colors as indicators for log entries (and later graphs in reports)
    ☐ implement reminders as push notifications
    ☐ add option to hide extra customization options (ie. changing pre calculated values)?
    ☐ option to switch theme
    ☐ add fields for glucose target tiers (as map of cutoff glucose and colors)
    ☐ add field for active insulin duration
    ☐ add setting for carb units/bread units
    ☐ add option to switch 'save' and 'save & close' buttons
    ☐ add functionality to delete dead records (meaning: set deleted flag and no relations to undeleted records)
  ✔ only show current day @done(22-01-24 05:39) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Overview)
  ✔ add calendar field on top to navigate @done(22-01-24 05:39) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Overview)
  ✔ use currently selected day when adding a log entry @done(22-01-24 05:39) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Overview)
  ✔ only show current day @done(22-01-24 05:39) @project(MAIN TASKS.Event Types)
  ✔ add calendar field on top to navigate @done(22-01-24 05:39) @project(MAIN TASKS.Event Types)
  ✔ use currently selected day when adding a log event @done(22-01-24 05:39) @project(MAIN TASKS.Event Types)
  ✔ update number fields to use corresponding components @done(22-01-24 03:13) @project(MAIN TASKS.Components/Framework)
  ✔ meal detail (carbs ratio, portion size, carbs per portion) @done(22-01-24 03:12) @project(MAIN TASKS.Components/Framework)
  ✔ log meal detail (amount, carbs ratio, portion size, carbs per portion) @done(22-01-24 03:12) @project(MAIN TASKS.Components/Framework)
  ✔ add "set manually" switch (like in log bolus detail) wherever parameters can be calculated from others @done(22-01-24 03:13) @project(MAIN TASKS.Components/Framework)
  ✔ meal detail @done(22-01-24 03:13) @project(MAIN TASKS.Components/Framework)
  ✔ log meal detail @done(22-01-24 03:13) @project(MAIN TASKS.Components/Framework)
  ✔ put dropdowns first if they override name field @done(22-01-24 03:17) @project(MAIN TASKS.Components/Framework)
  ✔ settings (target glucose, increments) @done(22-01-22 01:48) @project(MAIN TASKS.Components/Framework)
  ✔ accuracy detail (confidence rating) @done(22-01-21 16:51) @project(MAIN TASKS.Components/Framework)
  ✔ basal detail (units) @done(22-01-21 18:14) @project(MAIN TASKS.Components/Framework)
  ✔ bolus detail (units, per carbs, per glucose) @done(22-01-21 20:35) @project(MAIN TASKS.Components/Framework)
  ✔ log entry (glucose) @done(22-01-22 15:13) @project(MAIN TASKS.Components/Framework)
  ✔ log bolus detail (units, current, target, correction, carbs) @done(22-01-22 22:59) @project(MAIN TASKS.Components/Framework)
  ✔ add dispose methods everywhere and clean up controllers @done(22-01-21 17:55) @project(MAIN TASKS.Components/Framework)
  ✔ fix spacing @done(22-01-21 17:20) @project(MAIN TASKS.Event Types)
  ✔ calculation log meal carbs @done(22-01-08 22:21) @project(BUG FIXES.Log Entry)
  ✔ implement component for durations @done(22-01-08 19:00) @project(MAIN TASKS.General/Framework)
  ✔ make glucose optional @done(22-01-08 19:00) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ add setting for decimal places/unit steps @done(22-01-08 22:18) @project(MAIN TASKS.Settings)
  ✔ add fields for preferred date and time formats @done(22-01-07 21:06) @project(MAIN TASKS.Settings)
  ✔ add field for glucose target @done(22-01-08 19:00) @project(MAIN TASKS.Settings)
  ✔ setup objectbox sync server @done(21-12-22 15:21) @project(FUTURE TASKS.General/Framework)
  ✔ recipe list screen @done(21-12-11 22:01) @project(MAIN TASKS.Recipe)
  ✔ recipe detail screen @done(21-12-11 22:01) @project(MAIN TASKS.Recipe)
  ✔ add model for recipe @done(21-12-11 02:23) @project(MAIN TASKS.Recipe)
  ✔ add model for ingredient (relation betweeen recipe and meal) @done(21-12-11 02:23) @project(MAIN TASKS.Recipe)
  ✔ give option to specify quantity @done(21-12-11 01:28) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ give option to pick meal from a different log entry (that doesn't have an associated bolus yet and within certain time span) @done(21-12-11 02:22) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ find a better way to work with multiple glucose measurements @done(21-12-11 02:23) @project(FUTURE TASKS.General/Framework)
  ✔ make components rounder/nicer/closer to new material style @done(21-12-10 04:10) @project(MAIN TASKS.Layout)
  ✔ make sure 'null' isn't shown in text fields @done(21-12-10 04:23) @project(MAIN TASKS.General/Framework)
  ✔ hide details like accuracies etc when picking meals @done(21-12-10 06:12) @project(MAIN TASKS.General/Framework)
  ✔ add save and close and next buttons on rate creations @done(21-12-10 06:12) @project(MAIN TASKS.Basal/Bolus)
  ✔ always calculate other glucose measurement from active one and make other one readonly @done(21-12-10 04:33) @project(MAIN TASKS.Basal/Bolus)
  ✔ add save and close button @done(21-12-10 06:11) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ move on to newly created entry after saving @done(21-12-10 06:11) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ recalculate bolus upon deactivating 'set manually' option @done(21-12-10 06:18) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ account for delayed percentage setting on choosing meals @done(21-12-10 06:39) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ fix preloading of dropdown values (appear blank at first as of now) @done(21-12-09 05:31) @project(BUGFIXES.General/Framework)
  ✔ glucose target isn't displayed correctly anymore @done(21-12-09 05:31) @project(BUGFIXES.Log Entry)
  ✔ hide dropdown overlay on tapping anywhere else (especially menu) @done(21-12-07 21:04) @project(MAIN TASKS.General/Framework)
  ✔ add clear button to dropdown @done(21-12-07 21:21) @project(MAIN TASKS.General/Framework)
  ✔ add option to specify trend for blood sugar @done(21-12-07 14:20) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ always calculate other glucose measurement from active one and make other one readonly @done(21-12-07 14:33) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ scrollbars in rate overview not showing @done(21-12-06 20:01) @project(BUGFIXES.Basal/Bolus)
  ✔ order category lists (meals, meal sources,...) alphabetically @done(21-12-06 20:34) @project(MAIN TASKS.General/Framework)
  ✔ add delay to auto conversions @done(21-12-06 20:25) @project(MAIN TASKS.General/Framework)
  ✔ show daily Basal sum in overview @done(21-12-06 21:09) @project(MAIN TASKS.Basal/Bolus)
  ✔ show KI and stuff for Bolus in overview @done(21-12-06 21:44) @project(MAIN TASKS.Basal/Bolus)
  ✔ apply target color settings to glucose @done(21-12-06 22:57) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Overview)
  ✔ improve log meal list display @done(21-12-06 20:25) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ change delayed bolus rate to percentage @done(21-12-06 20:47) @project(MAIN TASKS.Meal)
  ✔ add meal source, carbs and portion size as subtitle in list @done(21-12-06 22:01) @project(MAIN TASKS.Meal)
  ✔ add option to hide warning dialogs on cancel, delete or event stop @done(21-12-05 19:18) @project(FUTURE TASKS.Settings)
  ✔ fix settings saving @done(21-12-05 19:08) @project(MAIN TASKS.Settings)
  ✔ add objectbox settings class and use instead of shared preferences @done(21-12-05 00:41) @project(MAIN TASKS.Settings)
  ✔ provide percentage functionality for delayed bolus @done(21-12-04 21:39) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ create two bolus entries accordingly @done(21-12-04 22:12) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ replace active profile picking mode with simple dropdown @done(21-12-04 20:10) @project(MAIN TASKS.Basal/Bolus)
  ✔ indicate both the default rate and the currently active one (according to event) @done(21-12-04 20:10) @project(MAIN TASKS.Basal/Bolus)
  ✔ get rid of excessive cancellation warnings @done(21-12-04 19:09) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ give a warning if event of same type is already running @done(21-12-04 18:50) @project(MAIN TASKS.Events)
  ✔ implement reordering @started(21-12-03 23:12) @done(21-12-04 17:01) @lasted(17h49m38s) @project(MAIN TASKS.Accuracies)
  ✔ show event start AND end times in list @done(21-12-03 22:04) @project(MAIN TASKS.Events)
  ✔ separate events from log entries @done(21-12-01 23:37) @project(MAIN TASKS.Events)
  ✔ show total bolus and carbs per entry @done(21-12-01 19:50) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Overview)
  ✔ display boli correctly @done(21-11-30 04:14) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ replace meal and glucose boli with logbolus entities @done(21-11-30 03:56) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ adjust/debug active events view @done(21-11-26 22:54) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Overview)
  ✔ show all active events, not just those assigned to the entry @done(21-11-26 22:12) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ add active events view (as main menu item) @done(21-11-26 21:28) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Overview)
  ✔ add option to change bolus/basal profile for event duration @done(21-11-26 21:13) @project(MAIN TASKS.Event Types)
  ✔ add deleted flag to all data models @done(21-11-26 18:56) @project(MAIN TASKS.General/Framework)
  ✔ adjust remove and fetch methods accordingly @done(21-11-26 20:52) @project(MAIN TASKS.General/Framework)
  ✔ implement tostring methods for all models @done(21-11-26 20:52) @project(MAIN TASKS.General/Framework)
  ✔ fix logmeals/logboli/logevents @done(21-11-25 17:10) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ add tab for bolus overview @done(21-11-24 22:05) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ calculate bolus suggestions according to active profile @done(21-11-24 22:05) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)
  ✔ place dropdown items right below their input @done(21-11-23 20:33) @project(MAIN TASKS.General/Framework)
  ✔ add autocomplete function to dropdowns @done(21-11-23 20:33) @project(MAIN TASKS.General/Framework)
  ✔ use local database instead of back4app @done(21-11-07 18:53) @project(MAIN TASKS.General/Framework)
  ✔ use ids instead of passing entities around where possible @done(21-11-10 00:06) @project(MAIN TASKS.General/Framework)
  ✔ add time picker for entry date/time @done(21-11-10 00:06) @project(MAIN TASKS.Log Entry)